I promised myself that I would do a lot more travelling for the year 2023. And I also promise myself that I'd keep a travelling art journal to capture every waking moments of the trip. Nevertheless, travelling is very subjective and if anyone would know me, I travel a lot; in my mind. When I was younger, I travelled by reading, that give me opportunity to let my mind roams to every corner of the world and at many times into parallel world, something that is beyond anyone reach. Well, not everyone can understand the story I created in my mind, so most of the times, I leave it there. As times goes by, I realised that one need to document their experience so that others may benefit from it. And I also realised, with the development of technologies, gadgets I actually enjoyed the ole school mechanism to record all my experience. Writing. Literally writing; using pen and papers. Nothing beats the fresh smell of a note book whilst letting your mind runs wild, and let your fingers dancin...